Lockview High School

June 8th, 2022

1) The list of Athletics Awards winners is posted on the Lockview Athletics site as well as the School App.  The Athletics Awards ceremony will be held Thursday evening at 7 pm in the cafetorium.  All student-athletes are encouraged to attend. 

2) Any students who have a Lockview uniform at home are asked to return it to Mr. Wilcox by the end of this week.

*Graduating students that have won a scholarship or bursary they would like to have announced at the graduation ceremony, should email a copy of the notification to Mrs. Ellsworth.

*Graduates are reminded to pay their $50 grad fee ASAP. 

*The valedictorian speak off will be held at lunch today. All those students and staff who signed up to be on the jury are asked to go to room B203 right at the start of lunch.

*Book club will be held today at lunch in the library.

*Today is World Oceans Day, a day to promote the protection of our oceans and the sustainable management of its resources. The oceans produce over 200 billion pounds of seafood each year. To help promote reusable bottles, to keep plastic out of our oceans, there will be lemonade available in the Forum at lunchtime today for anybody who has brought one.

*Students who have artwork displayed in the main office should stop by to pick it up by the end of next week.

*A reminder to stop by the office to check the lost and found we have quite a few items that will be donated at the end of the year if they aren’t claimed.

*Are you interested in being in a musical next year? Halifax Regional Arts is producing Disney's High School Musical in the Fall of 2022.  We are looking for interested musicians, performers and technical crew grades 9-12 across the HRCE! The show dates are November 24th-26th and rehearsals and performances will be at Prince Andrew High School.  Please see the poster in the main office for more information. Or check it out online by clicking below: https://sites.google.com/gnspes.ca/hrafinearts/productions/high-school-m...