February 10th, 2023
1) Good luck to the Boys Hockey team as they continue their playoffs against Halifax West tomorrow night at 8 pm at Centennial Arena.
2) Field Hockey information is posted on the Athletics website and the School App. Any students interested in trying out are asked to complete the Google Sign Up form by today.
3) Members of the Varsity Boys Basketball team are reminded to get their fee into Mr. Wilcox.
4) Any students interested in the Snowboard team are asked to complete the Google Sign Up form posted on the Athletics website and the School App by today.
5) There will be a yearbook meeting in the library at lunch.
6) At the start of lunch can the food committee, GSA and Games club go to the foyer for a yearbook photo.
7) A reminder to all students that if you would like to be involved in The Addams Family musical, sign up will close today. You can find them on the LHS webpage or in your grade level google classroom.
8) Any student currently holding an elevator key, please return it to the main office by end of day.