Lockview High School

November 12th, 2021

1) Congrats to the Boys Hockey team on their 3-1 win over Millwood last night.  Bailey Conrad led the way with a pair of goals while Noah Salgueiro added a single.

2) Congrats to the Varsity Girls Volleyball team on completing an undefeated regular season with a 3-1 win over Halifax West Wednesday night.  Leah Weatherhead was player of the game.  The girls finish 1st overall with a 12-0 record.  Good luck as they compete in the Park View tournament this weekend.  The girls are to be dismissed at 2:45 pm today.

3) Congrats to the JV Girls Volleyball team on their 3-0 win over Dartmouth on Wednesday night.  Gabby Allen was player of the game.

4) Congrats to the Girls Hockey team on their 3-2 win over Auburn on Wednesday.  Goal scorers were Norah Haas, Reese Mason, and Hilary Wilkin.

5) Good luck to the Varsity Boys Volleyball team as they compete in the Dartmouth High Tournament this weekend.  The boys are to be dismissed at 3 pm today.

6) Members of the Golf, Baseball, and Soccer teams are reminded to return their uniforms to Mr. Wilcox.

*Grad Photos will begin on November 22, by appointment only.  Please go to the “What’s New” section of our website and click on the link to book your appointment time.

*Student Fee refunds are ready for those students who paid fees with cash or a cheque. Students with last names beginning with A-K, who paid fees using cash or cheque, go to student services to sign for your refund.  Students with last names beginning with L-Z who paid fees using cash or cheque come to the main office to sign for your refund.