November 27th, 2023
The winners of the Math Problem of the Week draw for the last 2 weeks are
Emma Redden and Declan Zwicker
Congrats to you both and please see Ms Miles in room D207 to collect your prize. New problems are posted outside room D207. Solution attempts must be submitted by Wednesday at 3:30pm to be entered in the draw.
Congrats to the Girls Junior Varsity Volleyball Team for placing 5th in provincials! After playing well but dropping two games Friday, the team came back to win there next two games Saturday! Great work team!
Good luck to the following teams in action today:
Girls Hockey vs CPA at 4 p.m. The team will be dismissed at 2:45 p.m.
Boys Varsity Basketball has a home game vs Auburn at 8 p.m.
Boys JV Basketball plays at Citadel at 8 p.m.
Girls JV Volleyball uniform return will be Thursday at the beginning of lunch.
Stock Market Meeting cancelled today, stay tuned for a new date!
Reminder to please pick up school pictures in the main office.