Lockview High School

December 5th, 2023

Are you a strong Math student?  Do you like solving problems?  Would you like to have a degree that allows you the opportunity to gain 24 months of work experience and potentially graduate debt free?
If yes, you should attend a presentation on Computer Science at UNB on December 14 at 10:45.  Please complete the Googe Form available in your Google classroom to reserve a seat and be coded as ACT for that class.
Good Morning Dragons, It's big and it's back, everyone's favorite time is here, Swishmas! So bring your dollars to help spread holiday cheer! C Block Classes will sign up for competition next week!
$2 per 5 foul shots
All students with a $2 donation compete in the first round
If time permits, students can pay another $2 for an additional five foul shots
Top 2 and any 5 out of 5 from each class advance to Grade Finals, Friday Dec 15th at Lunch
The top person from each grade will advance to the Grade Finals
Come cheer on the Girls Varsity Basketball team tonight at 6 p.m. as they take on Dartmouth in a home game tonight.
Good luck to the Boys Hockey team as they take on Auburn tonight.
Kicking off the Holiday events at Lockview is our Music Department Concert Wednesday night at 7:00 - come on out to hear our talented musicians playing some holiday favorites
Don’t forget to submit your colouring contest entries to Mr. Kingston before December 13th! Sheets can be picked up in the main office!