Important Dates in March


Spring is around the corner...! Clocks for forward on March 9th...looking forward to longer days of sun!

Here are some dates you may wish to recognize in March: 

  • March 6:  Chili Cook-Off Fundraiser for Relay for Life 
  • March 8: International Women’s Day 
  • March 10-14 Inclusive - March Break - No Classes
  • March 21: World Down Syndrome Day 
  • March 21: International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination March 31: International Transgender Day of Visibility 


March is Nutrition Month 

Did you know? March is Nutrition Month! This year’s theme, Nourish to Flourish, highlights the important role that food has on our physical, mental and emotional health and well-being.  

Whether it’s planting an indoor or outdoor garden, cooking together with family, or enjoying a meal with friends, food provides opportunities for building social connections that can support improved feelings of belonging and overall well-being. This is a great time to explore and learn about food. An important part of this is food literacy, which includes having the knowledge and skills to grow, choose, prepare, and talk about food.   

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Reminder: February 17 is Heritage Day 

Heritage Day 2025 honours the late Nora Madeline Bernard. From Millbrook First Nation, she was a Mi'kmaq activist who fought for her community and First Nations people across Canada.  

Ms. Bernard played a key role in getting justice, recognition, and compensation for survivors of the Canadian Indian Residential School system. As a survivor of the system herself, she founded and became president of the Shubenacadie Indian Residential School Association in 1987. She then started a class-action lawsuit for the survivors, which inspired others across the country to do the same, leading to the largest class-action lawsuit in Canadian history.