Lockview High School

February 12th, 2024

Congrats to the boys' Hockey team, who have advanced to the final 4 of the Metrro High School Hockey Regional Tournament. Their first game is this Tuesday at 10 am.

JV Boys who forgot to hand in their uniforms must do so to Mr. Stach ASAP.
Boys' varsity and girls' JV basketball teams will hand in their uniforms today at lunch.
Athletic Gear orders are in. Please see Mr. Stach for pickup.
The spring athletic gear store is now open until the end of March.https://lockviewspring2024.itemorder.com/shop/home/
If you are interested in volunteering for Unified Sports Wednesday at Lunch, please sign up outside the gym.
Co-op application forms are available outside of Student Services and are due back to the Main Office by March 1st. Details about the Co-op Program will be provided during this week’s class presentations. Just a reminder that interested students also have to select Co-op 11 or 12 on the course selection portal.