Lockview High School

February 20th, 2024

JV Boys, JV Girls, & Boys Varsity team members who forgot to hand in their uniforms must do so to Mr. Stach ASAP.
Sign-ups for the badminton team, Girls Slo-Pitch and Girls Lacross, are now posted outside the AD’s office.
Boys Morning Hoops sign-up is posted outside of the AD’s office. Morning Hoops is open to any competitive basketball player wanting to hone their skills, stay in shape and scrimmage against peers. Thursday mornings from 7:30 to 8:30 am.
Athletic Gear orders are in. Please see Mr. Stach for pickup.
The spring athletic gear store is now open until the end of March.https://lockviewspring2024.itemorder.com/shop/home/
Please sign up outside the gym if you want to volunteer for Unified Sports Wednesday at Lunch. Unified Sports will run Wednesday and Friday this week in preparation for the tournament on Feb 29th.
What PE class should you take? The PE program has been refreshed, check out our website for more info! https://sites.google.com/gnspes.ca/lockviewpe/home